Friday, January 21, 2011

The Challenge: 100 Books in 1 Year

This year I am enrolled in AP English Literature and I have to prepare myself for the AP exam coming in May. Since the beginning of the school year I have been reading books off the AP list.

Then, last week, I read a Sparknotes post by a contributer (yes I am an avid Sparkler) which laid out her challenge to read 100 novels in 1 year. And I was inspired!

So I am going to blog about all the books I complete after January 1, 2011 until New Year's eve on December 31, 2011. I have 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days to finish 100 books. That's averaging around two books per week.

There is no monetary prize that I will be rewarded for completing the challenge. Rather, I am doing this for my own personal satisfaction and knowledge of literature. Oh, did I mention that most of the books I'll be reading will probably be "classics?"

You'll be getting my perspective on each of these novels/plays as I go through, and this blog is mainly for me to keep track since no one else will likely subscribe. But here I go, off into the world of blogging in the hopes of completing my challenge to myself.

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